Farah Fadilla

Archive for November 27th, 2008|Daily archive page

it is enough because i said so.

In hectic!! on November 27, 2008 at 11:09 am

lately, i was really disturbed by disturbia song. oooh oke, i hate that song since the first time i heard it. not that kind of hate (wanna kill the singer or every person who sings it), but hmmm i just dont like the music and the lyrics or whatever.

then it is becoming more annoying when wawan told me a story about someone in his kosan (Pontek-red) who played that song. the annoying part is that person (sorry i dont know you, then i have to call you ‘that person’ or someone) played it all along with the high-annoying-volume. iuuuuh, i can’t imagine if i were one of the Pontekers.

theeeen it is becoming totally annoying when others sing that song because the intro-part-lyrics just sounds like someone’s name something. huaaaaah! i know, i know they are just kidding and i do think it is funny, but huuuah i just want to stop it, a perfect stop. *i know you guys understand what i mean, don’t you?*. so please, just stop singing okaay? thank you! 🙂

nah daripada nyanyi2 lagu itu, mendingan kita mengerjakan TA atau hal menarik-slash-adorable-slash-berguna. ngapain kek, buka proquest, J-store, googling, bimbingan, beli cireng, beli pisang karamel, tidur, mandi, gosok gigi, makan es krim, minum susu, nongkrong di biru-biru, beli roti bakar, apa ajaa deh.

nb. postingan ini ditulis cm sbg bentuk curahan uneg2. yaa drpd dipendem mendingan ditulis kan? ooh iya, ini ga ditulis dg nada marah kok,  yaa gw jg ga bs marah2. hehe*